Sexual addiction is a condition that affects millions of people. Individuals struggle with controlling, regulating and managing their sexual thoughts and behaviors. Sexual addiction is no respecter of persons. This addiction can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, race, social and economic status.
Unlike other specific addictions like drugs or alcohol, sexual addiction can manifest in many ways, such as, pornography, compulsive masturbation, cyber-sex, "hooking-up", affairs, prostitution, chat rooms, cruising, love addiction, anonymous sexual encounters and visual taking-in to name a few.
Our highly sexualized society paired with advancements in technology has and continues to cultivate an environment for Sexual addiction to flourish. This addiction is claiming more and more lives as technological advances create easy, continuous and affordable access to sexualized materials and to a variety of ways of engaging in sexual behavior.
However, there is hope and treatment options for those invested in the healing journey. Part of that journey may involve the following: