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Intensive Therapy:

Intensive therapy offers an intense period of time devoted to therapy that is more than an one hour session. Intensive work can build ground quickly and allow for deep process in a concentrated time. Intensives are offered in several formats: Individual, Couple or Group.

Individual Intensive Therapy: Generally, individual therapy sessions are weekly or biweekly and the duration is about an hour. Intensive individual therapy is offered for those who desire more than an hour. Some travel a distance to meet for therapy and an hour would not justify the travel time. Clients have scheduled two or more hours in one day or have schedule two days of intensive individual therapy. Scheduled as needed and case-by-case basis.

Couples Intensive Therapy: In order to gain grounding and momentum for couples in therapy or who need more than an hour session, couples have scheduled several hours or days to engage in treatment. Many couples in crisis or who have been "stuck" in therapy has benefited from this format. Scheduled as needed and case-by-case basis. 

Group Intensive Therapy: Currently, group intensives are offered for male sexual addicts, female spouses of sexual addicts and general inner-healing a few times a year. Group intensives are usually held at a retreat center for a weekend.

If you are interested in any of the intensives, please contact Dave Janvier directly. See "Contact" tab for information.